Nine Reasons You Need to Come to Singing School

(Even If You’re Not a Very Musical Person)

While many of the courses offered at TNSS are based in the study of music and the art of leading congregational singing, there are many courses that discuss church culture, church growth, and the theology behind moving forward into excellence. Several courses (including The History of Church Music, Trends in Church Music, The History of Public Worship, The Science of Sound, The Theology and Ministry of Public Worship, Public Worship Development) are not “music classes,” but classes about the life of the church.

1) To appreciate what could be…

There is an old Russian proverb, “To see once is better than to hear a thousand times.” Too often the effectiveness of our own hometown assemblies is never questioned, because we’ve never seen it done any other way (and we get stuck in a rut). How many ideas have died in meetings with the sentiment, “We’ve never done it that way before”?

Others may volunteer ideas and approaches that they’ve seen elsewhere, but at the Singing School, you’ll see with your own eyes – and participate with your own voice – in an assembly where all the participants are united with one mind, one heart, and one voice with effective leadership. You will notice the difference!

2) To network with other spiritual leaders…

Singing School attracts active, devoted Christians from all corners of the country (and around the world). We share many common interests and mutual friends-in-Christ. You will meet other elders, preachers, and dedicated Christian leaders who are always on the look out to share great ideas, partner in mission work, and to grow the borders of the Kingdom of God.

Singing School is not primarily about music, it is about spiritual growth!

3) To learn how to partner effectively with your songleader…

Preachers and songleaders are not enemies vying for time and attention, though in some congregations we have seen that struggle play out. Once a songleader and a preacher have learned how to collaborate well, the preacher is guaranteed to reflect, “I’m a better preacher when my songleader and I are on the same team.”

The congregation will notice the cooperation in short order!

4) To learn about church growth…

The Bible gives explicit mention of how the assembly can convict the heart of the unbeliever (I Corinthians 14:23-25), causing him to find God in the midst of His people. Healthy discussion is given on how to balance the assembly’s dual roles of edifying the church and sharing the gospel with our guests.

5) To foster a healthy culture of congregational, a cappella singing…

Everything at Singing School is done with an eye on the local congregation – the real-life application of everything we teach is done back home. A congregation’s culture cannot be changed overnight and not by one single songleader. A good-singing congregation is not an accidental development – it will take intention, planning, and teamwork! At Singing School, church leaders will learn the positive steps to make towards developing a church-wide culture that enjoys singing together and brings congregational singing from a Sunday morning obligation to an everyday devotional practice.

6) To encourage and validate your songleader…

Church leaders have to encourage one another in their varied services. Leaders must learn to give wisdom and direction to their ministry partners without micromanaging them. As a songleader, there is little more disheartening than the feeling that leaders who have never studied your area of expertise are being critical or are dictating how you should lead singing. Songleaders need shepherds to lead them, just like all Christians.

Let your songleader know you value him, his work, and that you want to grow with him! Learn how to give constructive, helpful feedback to this unique leadership ministry. Many songleaders have gone on to grow deeper in ministry – even becoming full-time ministers, deacons, or elders – because Singing School provided a set of ministry skills, time for theological reflection, and encouragement to serve God unreservedly.

7) To be equipped with the resources to make an impact…

Being a church leader is not about doing everything there is to do or knowing everything that there is to know, but it is about equipping the saints for works of ministry. Our faculty have wrestled with the same questions you have – they would love to share what they’ve learned in

classes and one-on-one discussions. They’ve gathered resources, tips, and valuable insights over many years of leading churches in discussions about worship and singing. Find out what’s out there and where to get it!

Come away from Singing School having been encouraged and filled up with ideas, approaches, and techniques for leading your congregation.

8) To know our own story – the past and the present…

Three courses in the Appreciation track are historical in nature, tracking the development of what, when, how, and – most importantly – why developmental changes have been made over the centuries of Christian history. Here we find a rich discussion of the differences between eternal truth, our collective tradition, and my personal taste.

These courses will give you perspective and peace when “worship wars” try to break out over what should – or shouldn’t – happen in the assembly.

9) To awaken God’s musical giftedness within you…

If you can speak, you can sing. Even the deaf can sign their songs to God in praise. With exposure and opportunity, you might just find yourself singing along! God gifted you with the voice He wants to hear from you.

Come to Singing School and find your own voice!