Register for the Worship Leader Conference here

The Worship Leader Conference is a workshop event held on the Saturday preceding the annual Texas Normal Singing School. Speakers and topics are new every year – but all with a core subject of worship. In the past few years, speakers have included audio engineers, theologians, professors, ministers, hymnal/psalter compiler-editors, choir directors, hymnologists, and others, each bringing an exciting word about the practice and spirituality of our worship to God. This event is designed to encourage, challenge, and build up worship leaders, song leaders, preachers/ministers, and all those who lead and participate in Christian worship.
This year we’re excited to bring Dr. Randy Gill from Nashville to Abilene for the 2024 WLC with his topic “Worship Through the Ages: A Musical History Tour,” a series on church music history and the lessons worship leaders can learn from the past.
- 9:00 Disneyland or Death Valley
- 10:00 From Martin Luther to the Golden Age
- 11:00 The Giant Rummage Sale
- 12:00 Lunch (on your own)
- 1:30 Head or Heart
- 2:30 The Only Thing We Have to Fear…
- 3:30 Panel Discussion with Dr. Gill and others
The WLC is a free event – anyone may attend. We do ask – but do not require – you to consider helping us to defray the costs with a suggested donation of $25. We thank you for pre-registering (registration link).
Randy Gill is a worship leader and trainer of worship leaders, presently serving as Associate Professor of Worship Arts at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee. He is a founding member of the ZOE Group and continues to be involved in that ministry. Randy is a successful songwriter and arranger whose work is used regularly by churches across the United States (his works include Magnificat, Shout Hallelujah, At the Name of Jesus, Deep Calls to Deep, and many others). Dr. Gill is a well-known educator in Churches of Christ, having also served on the faculties of Pepperdine, Rochester, and Oklahoma Christian Universities.
For more information about the WLC, the 2024 session of the Texas Normal Singing School, or anything related to song/worship-leader training and coaching, please visit our website ( or contact us at (806) 777-8417 or [email protected].